Thursday, December 22, 2011

Safe Place

Recently after pulling a few old stuffed animal friends out of my closet I found my childhood blankie that I've kept safety with me since I was born.  After pulling him out I have found myself draping him over my pillow every night like I did when I was a child...I have no intention of putting him away anytime soon either.

Blankie has always been my 'safe place' and rediscovering this overwhelmingly comfortable feeling again has been wonderful.  It has also reminded me of the other safe places I constantly long for...

Sedona, Arizona

I've been coming to the house that my great grandpa built in Sedona for as long as I can remember and there is not one town in the world I feel more at-ease.

Sebastien's Arms

Clearly this is Molly's safe place too!  He makes my stresses and worries melt-away, I swear I even feel like I disappear completely when he holds me but in a calming/safe feeling way.

What makes you feel safe?  I find it interesting how sometimes the things that make you 'feel' safe aren't really things at all!  Hearing my Dad's voice on the phone even though he's hundreds of thousands of miles away always makes me feel insanely safe.



Out with the Old

Pinned Image

I'm not going to lie, although I really love my desk job there's a part of me that longs for the days of escaping everything and just writing.  I guess that's what happens when you take a creative girl and throw her into the world of business...So that's what this blog is, it's a creative outlet for me to discuss everything I like, love and loathe.  You may get recipes, travel stories and restaurant reviews, stories about love or inspiration, whatever makes me happy or intrigued you'll find here.

I can't wait to embark on this adventure with you

