Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions

To be honest, I never really made resolutions until last New Years.  I made it simple, learn how to run without walking in between.  I didn't really expect to run more than 2 miles without stopping (which honestly is a lot in my opinion) but little by little I gradually trained myself to run faster and longer until the summer when I could run 4.5 miles without stopping!  It was a seriously amazing feeling, being able to do something you never thought was possible.  It made me realize this year that I could make other resolutions and with some determination and a lot of faith they would probably be fruitful as well.  This year I plan to:
  1. Become more of a team player!  This one is difficult for me, I am usually a very stubborn, type A person and working with a team was never easy (group projects in grade school began with me begging my team mates to let me do EVERYTHING so I was in control, yeah, seriously).  Now that I'm in a relationship with the man I love and working for a small company I have to accept other peoples opinions and learn in order to become a better and happier person.
  2. Move away from running and begin more dancing.  I'm absolutely in LOVE with zumba and although running has been great to me this past year, it's time for me to take a little break and expand my horizons.
  3. Focus on redecorating my apartment and developing an overall style for the space.  Merging Sebastien and my decorating styles has been interesting but I think we're finally beginning to see our type, yay!
  4. Taking care of myself...this sounds a little ridiculous but I rarely do little things to make me a  happier person, like get pedicures, wear face masks, read a book, etc.  This also includes blogging here because it just makes me happy to share things with you :)
Here's a little sneak peak of our New Years fun in Sedona, AZ (more to come I promise)...


Do you make New Years resolutions?  Either way, I hope yours is off to a great start!



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